Polish Your English
Polish your English was written as a text for students doing proficiency courses. This textbook focuses on skills such as speaking, reading, writing and grammar. It contains many examples and exercises for students to enhance their proficiency of the English language. The book is classified into themes and each theme exemplifies one genre of writing. Furthermore, students can refer to the answer key to compare their answers with those suggested by the writers. It is hoped that by referring to the examples of different genres, students will be more confident in producing their own essays.
Instructor Biography
Sasikala Nallaya obtained her M. Ed. TESL, B. Ed. TESL, DIP. ESL degrees from University Malaya as well as a Basic Teaching Certificate for the teaching of English. She is currently a lecturer in the Faculty of Languages, University Pendidikan Sultan Idris. She teaches undergraduates doing the TESL program. Her areas of interest are Second Language Acquisition, Literacy, Teaching of Grammar and Sociolinguistics. She is also very much into creative writing and has published Ghost Stories in the City and Road to Happiness.
Leela Chakrabarty is a Senior Lecturer in the English Language and Literature Department, Faculty of Languages and Communication, UPSI. She holds an MSc (TESL) and a Bae Ed (TESL) degree from University Putra Malaysia; a Dip ESL from University Malaya; an International Postgraduate Certificate in Teaching and Learning for Higher Education from Roehampton University, London, UK and has a certificate in general translation from ITNM (Malaysian National Translation Institute). She has more than 30 years of teaching experience and has written for both genres; fiction and non-fiction. She is currently pursuing for her doctoral degree.
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