Numerical Methods with SCILAB Programming

Numerical Methods with SCILAB Programming book describes some of the numerical methods use to solve problems like scalar and system of nonlinear equations, linear system, polynomial, differentiation, integration and initial value problems. This book aims to give a complete lecture notes for both analytical and approximation results with the help of SCILAB programming. A complete numerical solution using SCILAB is written in a way so that anyone without the knowledge of programming skills can easily understand the SCILAB code. Students are provided with a clear and accessible guidance on a wide range of solutions and explanation to some of the numerical methods are given in a recorded video which can be easily view from the QR code given. Numerical Methods with SCILAB Programming can be a great textbook for undergraduate and graduate students in the field of mathematics, science and engineering courses with numerical methods and analysis components.
Instructor Biography
Dr. Annie Gorgey has a PhD in Applied Mathematics from the University of Auckland, New Zealand. She is currently an Associate Professor at the Mathematics Department, Faculty of Science and Mathematics, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI). She joined UPSI in 2007 and has more than 15 years of teaching experience in the Numerical Analysis, Numerical Solutions of Differential Equations and Programming Language in Numerical Computing. She has written several Mathematics books for primary school. Aside from teaching and actively researching, she is often involved with the Curriculum Department Unit at Ministry of Higher Education.
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