Kajian Peribahasa Dengan Latihan PT3 & SPM
Buku rujukan dan latihan ini berfungsi untuk mengukuhkan penguasaan peribahasa pelajar PT3 dan SPM. Pelbagai contoh peribahasa dan penerangan maknanya disediakan. Latihan membina ayat, memberi makna, melengkapkan peribahasa, peribahasa sama erti dan membina peribahasa disediakan untuk membantu pelajar sekolah menengah menduduki peperiksaan dengan ilmu bahasa yang lebih luas.
Instructor Biography
Prestasi is primarily a publisher of educational materials, focusing on pre-school, primary and secondary school education. While most of the educational materials are based on the Malaysian National School Curriculum, the company also publishes other non-curriculum based educational materials such as, general reference and self-help books.
Our books go through stringent screening, by our expert team of teachers, language experts and educational consultants before they are creatively pieced together by our experienced editors to create a product that is comprehensive, resilient and invaluable that is fit for printing. We constantly revise our books to be abreast with the national education syllabus to provide what’s best for our readers.
Since our inception in 2000, we have published millions of books and educational aids for the school-going children from the urban and the sub-urban areas to the rural areas of Malaysia; Prestasi has been an integral force in guiding our students and educators on their journey towards attaining knowledge. Our mission is to educate all, beginning with the Pre-schoolers up to the Secondary schoolers, with our books that are suitable for people of all ages.
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