English for Workplace Communication

English for Workplace Communication aims to introduce undergraduates and fresh graduates to challenges and demands of workplaces and to develop appropriate language expressions at workplace communication. The book introduces and provides students with practices in workplaca situations. Students will be exposed to workplace conflicts, and they will be trained to evaluate conflicts, propose initiative, suggestions and solutions to resolve the conflicts. Students will be taught adequate skills, understanding and knowledge of workplace communication to be fluent communicators at workplaces. Reading, speaking and writing skills are emphasised with the understanding of organisational knowledge and preparing students for their future workplaces. The book also integrates blended learning in its activities to make learning more relevant and engaged.
Key Features
- Caters for fresh graduates to equip themselves with English for Workplace Purposes
- Contains engaging and sufficient notes for English for Workplace Purposes for higher institutions
- Provides ample practices and includes blended learning activities for students and lecturers - Includes suggested answers at the end of the book
- Provides relevant examples from the industry
Instructor Biography
Latisha Asmaak Shafie is a Senior Lecturer at UiTM Cawangan Perlis, Kampus Arau. She has written Essentials of Professional English, Travel Tales of Thinking Travellers, English for You, Foundation English, Integrated Language Skills: Reading, Challenges and Benefits of Collaborative Learning at Higher Education and Bolt to COLT collaborative language learning handbook for teachers. She has presented at international conferences and written for peer-refereed academic journals. She has taught English to diploma and degree students. She enjoys her learning sessions with her students. She believes in writing her dreams.
Carolyn Soc Kum Yoke has a doctorate in Applied Linguistics from Universiti Putra Malaysia. She is a Senior Lecturer at the Academy of Language Studies, UiTM Cawangan Johor, Kampus Segamat. She has taught a number of English courses at the diploma and degree levels. She is actively involved in writing and has written several books including Grammar for Basic Learners, Baby steps to Job Seeking, Guide to Mathematics in English and T-Chronometer for Teaching Tenses: A Tale of Time. Some of her research articles have also been published in local and international indexed journals as well as conference proceedings.
Nor Haniza Hasan is a Senior Lecturer at the Academy of Language Studies, UiTM Cawangan Johor, Kam pus Segamat. She has taught English to diploma and degree students. She has written several academic books and local and international indexed journals. Teaching will always be her passion. Her areas of interest include Sociolinguistics, Communication, and English for Occupational Purposes.
Sheela Paramasivam is a Senior Lecturer at UiTM Cawangan Negeri Sembilan, Kampus Seremban 3, having served previously in UiTM Melaka. She has written Effective Speaking: Practice for MUET, Window to Literature Form 1 & Form 5, Fundamentals of Parliamentary Debates for teachers and students. She has presented research papers both at international and local conferences. She has also written for peer-refereed academic journals. She has taught English to diploma and degree students. She enjoys teaching and being creative with her students. She believes writing is an art.
Jafri Jawahilis a Senior Lecturer at the Academy of Language Studies, UiTM Cawangan Johor, Cawangan Segamat. He teaches English to degree and diploma students. He has taught in UiTM since 1996. He is passionate about teaching and educating future leaders of the nation.
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