Research Methods: A Work Book for Business Undergraduates

Business research has become a necessary way of life for every firm that wishes to survive and grow in this dynamic world. This dynamic business environment is exposed to many opportunities and threat which needs to be audited promptly. As such business research instruments can be enormously useful to capitalize the variation in the business atmosphere. Research methods, a work book for undergraduates serves as a guide for students at tertiary level to practice answering research methodology based questions to enhance their understanding on research methods. This book is unique in many different ways. Every chapter starts with multiple choice questions and followed
by structural questions. Amidst our research and doctoral studies, preparing this inaugural edition of research methods, a work book for undergraduates has been a new experience for us. To further assist our undergraduates, we have also written a research methods, a text book based on the content area of this book. This work book is further believed to enhance understand and sharpen research skills of our undergraduates.
Instructor Biography
Veera Pandiyan Kaliani Sundram Dr. Veera K.S. is an accomplished, dynamic professional trainer and a Certified International Professional Training Consultant [CIPTC] by American Certification Institute. He holds a PhD in supply chain management from University of Malaya. His passion towards research enabled him to publish books and research articles in different journals of national and international repute, mainly in the area of logistics and supply chain, international trade and technological change. He also reviews work for several journal publisher such as Journal of Business Economics and Management [ISi Thomson Rank] and Benchmarking: An International Journal [SCOPUS Rank].
V.G.R. Chandran Govindaraju Dr. VGR Chandran is a Principal Analyst of Industry and Economics with Malaysian Industry-Government Group for High Technology (MIGHT), Malaysia. He is also the Senior Research Fellow in the School of Economics, University of Nottingham, Malaysia and Adjunct Professor of Economics with the Management and Science University, Malaysia. He holds a PhD in Economics and has worked in joint research projects with several international institutions including United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), Korea Institute of S&T Evaluation and Planning (KISTEP), New York Academy of Sciences (NYAS), Copenhagen Business School, Denmark, National Center of Science and Technology Evaluation, Republic of Kazakhstan, Centre for Maritime Economics and Industries (Maritime Institute of Malaysia), Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI), E-SUN Consultancy, Johar Corporation and Public Bank.
Muhammad Awais Bhatti Dr. Awais M.B. is currently working as Senior lecturer in School of Business Management, College of Business, University Utara Malaysia. He holds bachelor's degree in Business and Accountancy, MBA in Marketing, Human Resource Management and Information Technology. His area of expertise includes international business, strategic Management, Human Resource Development and Human Resource Management. He is a professional trainer and design training programmes for managers and executives around the world. He is also review work for the European Journal of Training and Development, review work and member of program committee for IBIMA 2011 conference. His devotion towards training and research activities enabled him to publish books and journals in different fields mainly in the area of training and development, internationalization, E-learning and business research.
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