
The performance of students learning organic chemistry in university depends on their understanding on organic reactions, especially on the mechanism of the reactions. Most of the students learning organic chemistry have problems understanding reaction mechanisms, how electrons move in or out from a nucleophile, types of nucleophiles and electrophiles, the role played by the reagents used, and the prediction of the end product of every reaction.

This book is aimed at giving students learning organic chemistry a better understanding on organic reaction mechanisms and reactivity. There are eight chapters covered in this book. Chapter 1 of the book focuses on reduction reactions and their mechanisms in simple organic reactions. Chapter 2 describes the reactions involved in alcohol, aldehyde, and ketone. Chapter 3 presents reactions in carboxylic acid. Chapter 4 discusses the formation of double bonds involving the Wittig reaction. Chapter 5 elaborates on the Aldol Reaction, Claisen Schmidt, and Conjugate Addition (Micheal, Robinson annulation). Chapter 6 presents the reaction mechanism involving the Claisen reaction. Chapter 7 discusses the reaction in amine. The last chapter covers a combination of several important and popular reactions. Finally, there are questions and answers in every chapter for exercise purposes.

This book can be used as a reference book for students learning organic chemistry subjects in diploma, degree, MSc, and PhD levels.

Instructor Biography

MOHD TAJUDIN MOHD ALI is an associate professor teaching organic chemistry at Universiti Teknologi MARA. He obtained his Diploma in Education from Maktab Perguruan Raja Melewar, followed by a Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Industrial Chemistry and a Master of Science in Natural Product, both from Universiti Pertanian Malaysia (now Universiti Putra Malaysia), and finally a doctoral degree from the University of Regensburg, Germany, in organic synthesis. He has written books and more than 40 research papers on organic synthesis, peptide synthesis, and natural synthesis.

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