This work book is divided into two main sections which are Section A and Section B. Section A contains seven main chapters with every chapter contains 99 multiple choice questions. Altogether, Section A offers a total of 693 multiple choice questions. The questions in this section are keyed to the syllabus designed for the course of Introduction to Biological Diversity. Classification level of questions is based on:
• Factual Recall questions emphasize on remembering and recalling material
• Conceptual questions require deeper understanding
• Application questions demand the student to apply what they have learned to given situation
Section B provide the answers of all questions in Section A. Users can run their self- assessment on their memory skills and decision-making skills to opt for the best answers. The important of self-assessment is to provide an insight into user’s true comprehension and identify the gap in their level of understanding. In the course time, users can identify the area of knowledge require for self-improvement in learning this course.
Instructor Biography
The author is the Senior Lecture in University Technology MARA Perak Branch Tapah Campus. She attaches with the university since 1995 and involves in teaching various levels of student from foundation, diploma, first degree until post graduates. She graduated from University Malaya Kuala Lumpur for BSc (Zoology) and MSc (Limnology & Toxicology Aquatic) in 1994 and 2004 respectively. Her PhD (Zooplankton ecology) was pursued in Flinders University, South Australia and graduated in 2010. In academic publication, she has produced publications such as book, book chapters, journal articles, conference proceedings and articles in public magazines related to her field of interest.
Zulfadli Mahfodz is a lecturer in University Technology MARA (UiTM) Perak Branch Tapah Campus. He received his BSc (Ecology & Biodiversity) from University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur in 2010. He was granted the Young-Lecturer Scheme Scholarship under UiTM to further his studies. He graduated from National University of Malaysia for MSc (Entomology) in 2013. His career with the university starts since 2014. He involves in teaching subjects related to ecology and biodiversity. In his years of service, he published articles in academic journals and conference proceedings. Beside of his academic proficiencies, he also involves in community services advocating environmental awareness.
The author is a Lecturer in University Perak Branch Tapah Campus. She has been teaching Biology to students from various levels at the University Technology MARA since 2004. She graduated in Bachelor Science (Zoology) from University Malaya in 1994 and embarked her first career in the administrative profession. As a true believer in lifelong learning, she pursued her Master Environmental Science (Land Use & Water Resource Management) from the University of Malaysia Sarawak in 2000. As a lifelong learner, she continues her PhD (Physiology), Faculty of Medicine, University Technology MARA. Reproductive physiology with environmental issues is among her great interests.
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