Handbook of Research Methodology A Simplified Version Second Edition

The second edition of this handbook presents the necessary and important methodology for conducting research. As mentioned earlier in the first edition, this handbook is suitable for research beginners and students who want to learn about doing research but does not know how and where to begin. More contents have been included in this second edition. The presentation style remain the same where we presented the contents in a simple and easy to understand format with more notes, illustrations and examples for easy reading and understanding. The main purpose is to help students and research beginners familiarize themselves with the research process, methods and techniques for conducting research. This handbook is also aimed at guiding the students in understanding the process of preparing a correct research proposal and research report.
Instructor Biography
Dr Zamalia Mahmud is a Professor in Applied Statistics at the Center of Statistical and Decision Science Studies, Faculty of Computer and Mathematical Sciences, Universiti Teknologi MARA Shah Alam, Selangor. She obtained her PhD in Statistical Education from University of Strathclyde, Scotland, MSc. in Applied Statistics and BSc. In Statistics from Western Michigan University, USA. Apart from teaching, she is actively involved in research, consultancy, training and supervision of postgraduate students. She has secured more than 10 research grants both at the institutional and national levels either as a Principal Investigator or research member. Her research and consultancy project collaborators include NIOSH, CIAST, Khazanah Research Institute, ECERDC, University of Wollongong, among others. Her research interest are in the statistical learning environment, public health, social sciences, and occupational safety and health. Her statistical expertise are in multivariate techniques, categorical data modeling and Rasch measurement. She is a member of the Institute Statistics of Malaysia (ISM), International Statistical Institute (IS') Voorburg Netherlands and International Association of Statistical Education ('ASE).
Dr Norshahida Shahadan is a senior lecturer at the Centre of Statistical and Decision Science Studies, Faculty of Computer and Mathematical Science UiTM Shah Alam. She obtained her first degree in Mathematics and Statistics from University of Bradford United Kingdom, master's degree in Statistic, and PhD (Statistic) from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. She has been working as a lecturer at UiTM for almost 23 years. teaching various subject such as Business Statistic, Statistical Method, Probability and Statistic, Research Methodology, Quality Management and Analysis, Statistical Process Control and Statistic for Science and Engineering. Her areas of research interest are in air pollution research, missing value imputation and demographic analysis whereby her expertise are functional data analysis, control chart and environmetrics.
Dr Ahmad Nazim is a senior lecturer at the Center of Statistical and Decision Science Studies, Faculty of Computer and Mathematical Science, UiTM Shah Alam. He obtained his bachelor degree in Statistics from Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Master's degree and PhD in Mathematical Sciences (Statistics) from Universiti Malaysia Terengganu. Prior to joining UiTM, he worked at the National Population and Family Development Board (as Statistician), Human Resource Development Fund (as Senior Data Analyst), Bank Negara Malaysia (as Statistician), Ministry of Human Resources (as Head of Minimum Wage Study), Realworld Analytics (as Senior Research Analyst) and Frost & Sullivan Asia Pacific (as Consultant). His expertise is in Structural Equation Modeling, Multivariate Statistics, Sampling Theory and Research Methodology. He is active in consulting government organizations as well as private institutions regarding research.
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