Islamic Ethics and Governance for Combatting Financial Crime

This book provides readers and insightful knowledge of how Islamic theories and approaches can be used by researchers to study the mechanisms to mitigate financial crime. For Muslims, Islamic history has always been a good source of knowledge on cultures of origin, practices of religious beliefs, and to learn the success and failures of the past empires. It provides Muslims with lessons learned, especially on the renowned Caliphs' success in Islam's early reign, which substantiates why Muslims need to refer and learn from history continuously.
It also increases Muslims' awareness and understanding of many aspects of Islamic teachings, especially in addressing financial crime. The effort by the Accounting Research Institute to have this book published is rather timely. This book would help preserve the culture of research and writing, which is crucial to ensure that Muslim scholars' legacy will have its continuity.
Instructor Biography
Nor Farizal Mohammed is a research fellow at the Accounting Research Institute, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM). She holds a Ph.D. in Financial Reporting from La Trobe University, Australia, and has a Master of Science in Accounting from De Montfort University, United Kingdom. She is a fellow member of the Association of Certified Chartered Accountants (ACCA) and a Chartered Accountant of the Malaysian Institute of Accountants (MIA). She has been working with UiTM for more than 18 years. Her main research interests are corporate reporting, corporate governance, Islamic accounting, and accounting education. She has published papers in many international journals. In addition to teaching, she supervises and advises Masters and Doctoral students and reviews articles for several academic journals. She has also performed some consultation projects with industries.
Sharifah Norzehan Syed Yusuf is currently a Research Fellow at the Accounting Research Institute University Technology MARA (UiTM), Malaysia. She holds a Ph.D. in Accounting from University Technology MARA, Malaysia, a Master of Accountancy from Curtin University, Australia, and a first-degree from University Technology MARA, Malaysia. She is an Associate Member of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountant and a Chartered Global Management Accountant (ACMA, CGMA). She has been teaching for more than 25 years and more than 10 years teaching professional programmes. She is also active in research and consultancy work. She writes articles for journals, chapters in a book, and also modules for pieces of training and workshops such as qualitative research for Ph.D. students and government agencies. She is currently actively supervising both masters and Ph.D. students. Her areas of research interest are Strategic Management, Governance, Risks and Ethics, Strategic Business Leadership, and any areas from the Islamic Perspectives which include Financial Crime. She can be reached at [email protected].
Jamaliah Said is currently the Director of the Accounting Research Institute, Universiti Teknologi MARA. She has published more than one hundred (100) journal articles. She is the managing editor of an esteemed journal called the Asia Pacific Management Accounting Journal. Her main research interests are fraud investigation, governance, accountability, and strategic management. Recently, Prof. Jamaliah clinched two awards, the "Highly Commended Paper Award 2019" by Emerald Publishing and "MIA articles of Merit Award 2018" by the Malaysian Institute of Accountants.
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