Laboratory Manual Applied Mechanics

This Applied Mechanics Laboratory Manual acts as a comprehensive reference, teaching and learning material to support and enhance the students knowledge in engineering mechanic experiments. In this manual three main laboratories on applied mechanics are presented which are Material Science, Strength of Materials and Dynamics. This manual supports the idea from the Engineering Accreditation Council (EAC) in providing an open ended laboratory material to improve students cognitive and psychomotor attributes. This manual comes with proper application examples and case studies that is related to the discussed topic. A brief introduction of each experiment is given as well as the key principle of the subject matter that students should know about regarding the experiments. In addition, all assessment criteria’s such as the rubric of assessment are made available in assisting students to prepare their coursework report. This will be the one and only manual that students will need in order to complete and succeed the Applied Mechanics Lab course.
Instructor Biography
Nor Fazli Adull Manan, PhD is currently working as a Senior Lecturer at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Malaysia since 2007. With 12 years of experience in teaching Engineering Mechanics courses such as Basic Mechanics, Dynamics, Mechanical Engineering Design, Applied Mechanics Lab etc, he has become extremely capable in helping to provide knowledge on the materials behaviour for students. Up to now he has more than 30 published articles and conference proceeding from both national and international journals in the scope of Engineering Mechanics of Materials and Engineering Design. He is also actively involved in research areas related to Material Engineering & Application and Design Project for Industry which was sponsored by the Malaysia Government.
Nik Rozlin Nik Mohd Masdek received her PhD in Advance Materials Engineering specialising in the corrosion of nanocrystalline materials from the University of British Columbia, Canada. She is currently a senior lecturer at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia and has more than 13 years of experience in teaching mechanical engineering courses which include the Applied Mechanics Lab course. Her research interest are in the area of nanostructured coatings, corrosion as well as the electrochemical processes in materials engineering. She has also authored and co-authored numerous articles in the field of electrodeposited nanomaterials and corrosion with publications appearing in proceedings and refereed research journals.
Abdul Hakim Abdullah joined Universiti Teknologi MARA in 2011 and is currently a Senior Lecturer at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. He has taught mechanical engineering courses such as Strength of Materials, Mechanical Engineering Design, Computer Aided Design (CAD) and Applied Mechanics Lab. In 2016, he was given the opportunity to conduct research at the Northwest Composites Centre (NWCC), an advanced composites laboratory at the University of Manchester. He has also published a number of research articles in both journals and conference proceedings.
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