An Introduction to Success Skills at Higher Education

A unique step-by-step guide to help you survive at college or university. This easy-to-read eBook is targeting undergraduate students like you, who may have difficulty in reading fast and note-taking during lecture, and challenges such as getting your assignments done and working as part of a team. The basic survivor skills you learn in this eBook also help you build a habit to your lifelong learning for personal development after graduation. Topics covered in this e-Book include: How to start your new term; How to tackle your assignments; How to collaborate in group work; and How to prepare for final exams.
This eBook - 'An Introduction to Success Skills at Higher Education' is targeted at freshmen, foundation year, and 1st year undergraduate students, including mature students, to learn and master their study skills. However, secondary or high school final year students may be benefited from the eBook as well if they are planning to further their studies at college or university.
Instructor Biography
Dr. Yolanda Hiew is an expert in teaching and learning. She has taught at local and international universities in Malaysia. The subjects she has most experience are English for Academic Purposes, English for Business, Linguistics subjects and soft skills. She used to live in England for 10 years, studying and working in various professional organisations as a lecturer, social worker, language interpreter, and student mentor to autistic tertiary student.
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