Big Data Analytic and Evaluation of the Organisational Goals
This book is about gathering the measurement data and making an effectiveness results to assist decision-making process to evaluate the level of the organisational goals achievement. In order to achieve this aim, the authors designed a new framework as a platform represents five steps for domain experts and entrepreneurs to identify the relevant organisational data from huge amount of data known as Big Data to assist decision-making process in relation to the organisational goals. Therefore, the decision-makers can evaluate the level of the organisational goals achievement. The authors named the framework as GOAL-Framework. The book concentrates on the design of this framework. GOAL-Framework associated with the organisational goals ontology aims to identify the dependency relationship between organisational goals and dependency relationship between organisational data and organisational goals. Metrics is defined for this dependency to identify which organisational data is relevant to the organisational goals. The framework is flexible to change without affecting things around because the framework is applicable in any organisational data with different organisational goals. The authors summarize the framework presented in this book with all the information, results and ideas. The authors discuss the review of the problems, solution for the problems and draw a conclusion in this book.
Instructor Biography
Tengku Adil Tengku Izhar is a lecturer at the Faculty of Information Management, University Technology of MARA, Malaysia. He received his PhD from La Trobe University, Australia in Computer Science in 2015. He received his Master of Science in Information Management from University Technology of MARA (UiTM), Malaysia in 2009. His research interests include Big Data, Organization Studies, Conceptual Framework and Modelling, Information Management, Information Systems, Social Media and Ontology.
Torab Torabi is a senior lecturer at the Department of Computer Science and Computer Engineering, La Trobe University, Australia. He is the head of Software Engineering Interest Group organising the Pervasive Computing Interest Group at La Trobe University. He has (co) authored more than 40 journal and conference papers in Software Engineering and Mobile Computing. His research interests include Software Engineering, CASE Tools, Process Modelling, Software Quality, XML and metadata, Location Based Services, Context-Aware Mobile Services, Integration of Mobile Services, Model Driven Specification, Component-Based Simulation. Dr. Torabi serves in editorial board of a number of journals, and he has served in program committee and organisation of a number of conferences and workshops in his research expertise. Dr. Torabi has been involved in a number of research projects and supervised number of PhD, honours, and Master students. He has also supervised and coordinated more than thirty major research and industry projects. His teaching experience includes software engineering and many other disciplines in computer science and information technology.
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