The five young men of the neighbourhoods show keen interest in recycling. They want to carry the message of recycling to the residents, who are totally ignorant of the green magic word. They plan to organize a talk show. One of the old residents who is an illiterate and who really knows nothing about recycle, dares to support the young boys. He works hard to see the event running well, not minding even his own health. The talk show is organized. The organizers want to confer the title GREEN MAN for the year. Who did they select for the honour?
To spread the ecoawareness among the common public and young adults and to instil them the values of environment
Instructor Biography
The author Akbar is an ecoawareness creator by mass and printed media. He has authored several short stories and awareness related narratives to both electronic and print media. He is a qualified and experienced ecoawareness creator.
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Sheila Wong Yen Min
Speak about recycling and encouraging doing it in a easy to understand positive way.