Mahkamah Syariah di Malaysia: Menelusuri Cabaran Melestari Hadapan

Melihat kepada sejarrah negara Malaysia, perlaksanaan undang-undang Islam bukan satu perkara asing. Ia telah sekian lama diamalkan di negara ini. Apabila penjajah Inggeris datang ke Tanah Melayu, undang-undang Islam mula diketepikan dari radar utama perundangan dan diganti dengan undang-undang Inggeris. Penjajah Inggeris bukan hanya meninggalkan skop yang kecil bagi undang-undang Islam yang secara relatifnya hanya meliputi hal ehwal apabila Tanah Melayu mencapai kemerdekaan pada 31 Ogos 1957, dwi sistem perundangan ini kekal. Bidang kuasa undang-undang Islam yang terhad dan rendah (inferior), kecuali dalam perbankan, kewangan Islam dan takaful serta probet dianugerahkan kepada mahkamah tinggi (superior). Walhal, sepatutnya kedua-dua mahkamah ini berjalan sering mengikut bidang kuasa yang diberi. Tuntutan kepada perlaksanaan undang-undang Islam yang menyeluruh keatas orang Islam serta seruan memperkasa institusi dan bidang kuasa berkaitan dengan Mahkamah Syariah sering diperkatakan. Buku ini mengupas perbahasan mengenai isu-isu berkaitan dengan Mahkamah Syariah dari aspek pengukuhan kredibiliti, bidang kuasa, konflik bidang kuasa antara mahkamah Syariah dan Mahkamah Sivil, hak asasi manusia, kesalahan jenayah Syariah, kepeguaman Syarie, kekeluargaan, ketenangan, kehartaan yang diperolahi semasa dan selepas peceraian atau kematian yang dilaksanakan di Malaysia. Mesipun begitu, perlunya pendekatan harmonisasi undnag-undang sivil dan syarak dan melihat keutamaan kepada perlaksanaan undang-undang Islam serta memperkukuhkan institusi dan bidang kuasa Mahkamah Syariah di Malaysia.
Instructor Biography
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohamed Azam Mohamed Adil joined International Institute of Advanced Islamic Studies (IAIS) Malaysia on 1 April 2013 as Deputy CEO cum Principal Fellow. His areas of interest are: Constitutional law, Shari’a and Civil law conflict, Human Rights, Islamic Criminal law and Islamic Law of Transactions (mu’amalah).
He holds a degree in Shari’ah from the University of Malaya. He obtains both his Master of Laws (LLM) and PhD degrees from the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London.
He was appointed as Independent Director of CIMB Islamic Bank Berhad from 5 November 2014 till 4 November 2016. He was the Chairman of the CIMB Group Shari’ah Committee from 1 November 2014 till 31 October 2017and also a Director of IAIS Malaysia since 2015.
He is a lecturer at Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Shah Alam, Malaysia since 1990 and later promoted to Associate Professor in 2008. He held several administration posts at UiTM. He was the Head of Islamic Studies Unit, Centre for Preparatory Studies (PPP) from 1997-2001, the Coordinator for Minor and Elective Programmes at Academy of Contemporary Islamic Studies (ACIS) from 2006-2011 and later became the Head of Programme for Minor, Elective and Postgraduate Studies from 2011-2012.
He was appointed as panel for the Industrial Court of Malaysia, 2007-2009. He was awarded the Fulbright Visiting Award by the Council for International Exchange of Scholars (CIES), Washington, DC, USA in 2007. He was a Fellow at Accounting Research Institute (ARI), Institute of Zakat Studies, UiTM and Research Ethics Committee, UiTM. He was on the Selangor Religious Council (MAIS) Legal Committee and sits on several Advisory/Editorial/Reviewer Boards like Shari’ah Journal, University of Malaya, Global Journal of al-Thaqafah, Universiti Sultan Azlan Shah, Journal of Contemporary Islamic Studies, WIEF-UiTM Occasional Papers (2012-2015), ESTEEM Journal, UiTM, Penang UMRAN International Journal of Islamic and Civilisational Studies, UTM and others. He is currently the President, Academy of Islamic Studies, University of Malaya's Alumni (ALIM).
Among his latest publications are Domestic Violence as a Ground for Dissolution of Marriage, (Mohammad Hashim Kamali, Mohamed Azam Mohamed Adil & Nor Ilham Ramli), IAIS Malaysia Policy Issue Papers, No. 7, January 2019; Pandangan Syariah Bagi Hukuman Mati, Muka Sepuluh, Berita Harian, 5 Januari 2019; Islamic Law in Malaysia – Issues, Developments and Challenges (Mohamed Azam Mohamed Adil & Mohammad Hashim Kamali), IAIS Malaysia & CLJ Publication, 2018; The Role of Islamic Think tanks in Human Capital Development: IAIS Malaysia’s Experience (Mohamed Azam Mohamed Adil, Ahmad Badri Abdullah & Wan Naim Wan Mansor), The 10th Year & the Road Ahead – IAIS Malaysia Special Anniversary Issue, November 2018; Democratic Transitions in the Muslim World (Ali Salman, Mohammad Hashim Kamali & Mohamed Azam Mohamed Adil), Pelanduk Publications, IAIS Malaysia & Islam & Liberty Network, 2018; Preserve Essential Foundations, NST, 5 September 2018; Preserve Essential Foundations, NST, 5 September 2018; The Right to Life and Death in Syariah, NST, 2 November 2018; Is Malaysia a Secular State?, NST, 28 December 2018; Is Unilateral Conversation the Best Solution?, ICR, Vol. 9. No. 3, July 2018; Pelaksanaan Undang-undang Islam di Malaysia: Khayalan Atau Realiti?, ILHAM Books & IAIS Malaysia, 2018; Political Lessons from Prophet Muhammad, NST, 27 April 2018; Fatwa and Ijtihad in Malaysia – Juristic and Historical Perspectives (Mohammad Hashim Kamali & Mohamed Azam Mohamed Adil), IAIS Malaysia Policy Issue Papers, No. 4, June 2018; Malek Bennabi in Alexander Wain and Mohammad Hashim Kamali, The Architects of Islamic Civilisation, Pelanduk & IAIS Malaysia, 2018; Is Unilateral Conversion the Best Solution? IAIS Bulletin, No. 44, May-June 2018; Look to Ta’zir for Guidance in Drug Sentencing (Jointly with Dr Ahmad Badri), NST, 5 January 2018; Prioritise Child’s Welfare, NST, 16 February 2018.
Dato' Prof. Dr. Ahmad Hidayat Buang currently is a Professor at Shariah and Law Department, Academy of Islamic Studies, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Studied at University of Malaya. Received Bachelor of Shariah (Islamic Law) (first class honours) in 1987 from University of Malaya. Later, went to London to receive further training at School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London and obtained LL.M in 1989 and PhD in 1996. Area of specialization is Islamic law of transactions and property, contemporary issues of fatwa and Shariah courts in Malaysia. Has been teaching at the University of Malaya since 1987 both at postgraduate and undergraduate levels. Awarded a number of governmental and international research fund with the accumulative amount of RM600,000. Has successfully supervised more than 30 postgraduate thesis and dissertations. Written and presented more than 50 articles and papers in journals and conference both locally and internationally. Authored and edited six books. Served as consultant and adviser on Shariah matters to several Banks and financial institutions in Malaysia and Singapore. Currently served as Chairman of the Shariah Supervisory Council for Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad (BIMB) and Chairman of Group Shariah Committee for MNRB. Qualified Shariah Legal Counsel in the Federal Territory Shariah Courts. Appointed as visiting lecturer at Religious Department, Victoria University, Wellington, New Zealand in 2001, awarded as visiting research associate at Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies, UK in 2005, visiting fellow at Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, University of London in 2006 and visiting scholar at the Center for the Study of the Middle East and Muslim Civilizations, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA in 2011. Hold various administrative posts at University of Malaya as Head of Shariah and Law Department 1997-1999, Deputy Director for Research and Development, Academy of Islamic Studies 2005-2006 and Director of Academy of Islamic Studies 2006-2011. Involved in curricula development, design and monitoring of Islamic Shariah Higher Degrees at University and national level as Senate Member of the University, member of the national accreditation committee of Malaysia Qualification Agency (MQA) 2010-2019, auditor and panel assessor for the same agency since 1997. Conferred DSDK by His Majesty the Sultan of Kedah which carries the title Dato' in conjuction of His Highness 88th birthday on 17th January 2016 for excellent and loyal service. Born in 1962 in Kedah and married to Raihanah Abdullah, with four children (three boys and a daughter).
Dr. Ahmad Badri bin Abdullah is Research Fellow at IAIS Malaysia, with a focus on maqasid al-shari’ah (the higher objective of Shari’ah), usul al-fiqh, and contemporary Islamic jurisprudence discourse, particularly in the subject of systems thinking and its application in Islamic philosophy of law.
After obtaining his degree in Shari’ah (UM), he was attached to the School of Humanities, USM and then Department of Fiqh and Usul al-Fiqh, Academy of Islamic Studies University Malaya as a graduate research assistant and a tutor. He taught various subjects in Shari’ah studies including the Introduction to Shari’ah Studies, Fiqh al-Ikhtilaf (The Art of Disagreement in Islam), Fiqh al-Jinayah (Islamic Criminal Jurisprudence), ‘Urf (custom), and Maslahah (public interest). He is also pursuing his PhD in the study of maslahah, maqasid al-shari’ah and their relation to systems thinking and philosophy.
His publications include: Ahmad Badri, (January 2013), Postmodernism Approach in Islamic Jurisprudence, Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research,vol.13, no.1, pp.33-40, Mohamad Zaid Mohd Zin & Ahmad Badri, (2013), Gender Analysis in Contemporary Islamic Discourse, Journal of Asian Social Science, Vol.9, no.7, pp.62-74, and Ahmad Badri Abdullah & Mohd Anuar Ramli (2012), Aplikasi Pendekatan Analisis Sistem Dalam Hukum Islam Semasa (The Application of System Analysis in Contemporary Islamic Jurisprudence), in Mohd Yakub @ Zulkifli Bin Mohd Yusoff et al. Dimensi Kontemporari Dalam Pengajian Islam, Kuala Lumpur: APIUM.
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