

What is

DRAWZANIA is an e-learning drawing platform that offers drawing lessons via online demo videos. The tagline ‘Everyone can draw’ is apt as this is the venue where everybody from all walks of life can learn and master drawing techniques and skills. Train your children to draw using this unique platform.

How Drawzania can help your children to draw with confidence?

They can learn to draw using a O.U.C approach: Observe (O), Understand (U) and Create (C). Refer to the explainer video to understand further.
They can learn to draw using a systematic approach from beginner to advanced level.
They can learn from 15 categories of drawing types as mentioned in the Drawzania learning packages.
They can learn from more than 2000 demo videos available at this platform.
They can learn through online @ their own time, @ their own place and @ their own pace.

Why our children need to acquire drawing skills in the 21st century learning and working environment?

Amazing things can happen, if you and your children are able to draw and visualize your creative and innovative ideas. Start train yourself and your children with drawing skills via Drawzania online demo videos.

We are a visual literate society and we depend on visuals to communicate our creative and innovative ideas effectively. So do our children. They need to be able to draw to visualize their ideas.

Do you know that the fundamental skill for visuals is drawing skills?

Visual Communication (VC) is a must have skill in the 21st century learning environment. Fundamental of VS are drawing skills. They are critically needed in the process of VISUALIZING CREATIVE AND INNOVATIVE IDEAS. Ability to master the drawing skills make them able to improve your childrens performance and productivity.

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