How do you define beautiful? What do you think is beautiful to you? How about to others and most important to God? This is a sermon which I wrote and it is based on Mark 14:1-9.
May this sermon open new perspective on how we live and look at things or situations.
I pray that the Lord will open your heart, your spiritual eyes and spiritual ears to receive and listen only from Him as you go through this sermon. May the Lord speak and minister to each and everyone of you personally through His Word.
Instructor Biography
Served as a full time worker in a church for 6 years after working in many sectors. Started at Kuala Lumpur before being posted back to the mother church in Tawau the year later. Since I was not the one who received the green light to expand and learn more like other staff especially male staff through applying into a seminary under the church. Then, I decided to apply into the Seminary on my own behalf.
Thank God for His favor. I was accepted into the seminary. I resigned on December 2008 and enrolled into Seminary Theology Sabah (STS) on January 2009. Throughout my studies, I still received covering from my denomination and was posted in various Anglican churches for my practical. It was a great time and praise God, in 2012 I graduated with Bachelor of Divinity.
I continued to serve full time in one of the Anglican church thereafter for 3 years. This time, more on pastoral ministry as I lead the BM Congregation. Today, I no longer serve full time in the church but I am out at workplace. Still, it is always great to serve the Lord where ever we are placed.
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Beautiful & Awesome
Jacqueline Joseph
Good teaching....
Raynold Thomas
Wow. Good read yo!
Sheila Wong Yen Min
A truly insightful book on the beauty of life which met my expections and beyond.