1st Series - Overcoming Our Limiting Beliefs (5 Set of Inspiring Videos)
Limiting beliefs are those which constrain us in some way. Just by believing them, we do not think, do or say the things that they inhibit and in doing so we impoverish our lives.
We may have beliefs about rights, duties, abilities, permissions and so on. Limiting beliefs are often about ourselves and our self-identity. The beliefs may also be about other people and the world in general.
In any case, they sadly limit us.
A key way by which we form our beliefs is through our direct experiences. We act, something happens and we draw conclusions. Often such beliefs are helpful, but they can also be very limiting.
Particularly, when we are young and have few experiences, we may form false and limiting conclusions. Nature builds us this way to keep us out of harm's way. We learn and build beliefs faster from harmful experiences. Sticking my finger on a hot stove hurts a lot so we believe all stoves are dangerous and never touch a stove again. If punching another child results in a sound beating we may henceforth believe ourselves weak.
In practice some beliefs which limit us are actually valid beliefs which are worth keeping. The problem is telling the difference. The reality is that many of us err on the side of perceived (and not necessarily real) safety. Limiting beliefs are erroneous, being based on wrong 'facts' and so prompt us to treat things with undue caution.
So, if you want to overcome limiting beliefs, first recognize them and then act to change what you believe.
When you able to change them for better, you will able to have a better and happier life.
So, when you purchase these 5 Set Videos of Power Bites at a special offer of RM9.00, you will learn how to overcome your limiting beliefs.
The objective of POWERBITES 1st Series - OVERCOMING YOUR LIMITING BELIEFS is to help you change your beliefs. Thus, you will have a more successful and happier life.
Instructor Biography
- CERTIFIED BEHAVIORAL & CAREER CONSULTANT (The Institute of Motivational Living, Inc. USA, Certified Trainer for DISC InsightsTM Personality System, LearningKeysTM, CareerKeysTM)
RON LEONG has over 30 year of experience in helping individuals uncover their strengths, natural preferences in areas of learning and thinking, motivations and interests, and assist them in career or life decisions and planning. He uses various evidenced-based and reliable systems "DISC InsightsTM Personality System, LearningKeysTM, CareerKeysTM, Neuro Action Technology and Colored Brain applications”
He is a registered trainer (TTT/1253) with the Pembangunan Sumber Manusia Berhad (PSMB) or better known as HRDF. He has formal education in Business Administration, Interactive & Counseling Psychology as well as Hotel & Catering Management. He has also completed his Master in Business Administration (MBA) from the Swiss Management Forum.
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Christina Bala
Awareness Before Changing!!
Jacqueline Joseph
Simple yet powerful!
Raynold Thomas
I love all the videos from Master Ron!
Sheila Wong Yen Min
Wow! So impactful and truly hit the mark!
Ir Sathu Pillay Govindasamy
Awesome information
Raynold Thomas
Good one to adding my value. Awesome!