This book is written in the hope that it can help you understand what is stress and how to live with it day in and day out without kicking yourself or blaming yourself. The book is hopefully very clear of the many faces of stress and will help you in the path of self – discovery, to know where you Stand, what are the Opportunities you have presented with, to take the necessary Actions in order to Rebrand yourself in a positive way so that you can soar in your life.
This is written with my own understanding and my own experiences and also as I am as a counselor and hope that by understanding different types of stresses and stressors, we can better prepare ourselves when faced with stress. The book is also highlighting how we can best manage our stress. It is your choice to choose which is the best for you. I do sincerely hope that what is written here is helpful in your daily life as you go through stress.
My next book on S.O.A.R. series would be on anxiety. Wait for it.
Instructor Biography
As I said earlier, this is my first foray into writing. I am a certified counsellor and been involved in this field for only 17 years and counting. I am writing under pseudonym as Syamqnie. I love to help anyone to achieve the best that they can be and be the best person that they can be. I strongly believe that the only way to be the best of who you are in by S.O.A.R. I have done it in my life, from being an introverted person, with no self – confidence, full of anxieties, to someone who is looked up in my circle of profession. If I can achieve it, well I believe so can you and everyone out there.
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