Live To Inspire (The Joanna Joseph Style)

This book is about losing weight the right way without supplements, pills, the gym, or any sort of slimming centre. It's basically the right nutrition, easy to prepare meals, exercises that you can do from home or basically anywhere at all, skin care and much much more by the crowned queen Miss Selangor Earth 2016 that has went viral several times due to her extreme weightloss!
This book is all you need if you are looking forward to losing weight the healthy way. There are many healthy diet tips, recipes that you can make from home, workouts without the gym that can be done anywhere and also skin care tips. You get to lose weight and also tone up by gaining muscle mass plus acheive a healthy outer and inner body.
Instructor Biography
Joanna Joseph is a student and model that has gone through hardships during her primary and secondary school life because of her being overweight. When she was 15, she decided to lose weight the healthy way by researching about diet tips online and also working out from home without the gym. Joanna rose to fame and recognition when she won the title Miss Selangor Earth 2016 and her weightloss story went viral in Malaysia and internationally. She is writing this book based on her success and weightloss journey.
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It helped me alot. The tips given was so easy to get and learn from.
Jacqueline Joseph
At such a young age, she is so determined to achieve her goals and be so successful.
Priyasree Karul
I really want to lose weight and this boost me up. Thank you