Have Fun with the Young Ones

Especially for Caregivers (Grandparents/Parents/Guardians/Older Siblings) to do some activities together and in the course of the interaction expose children to STEM (Science/Technology/Engineering/Mathematics) concepts in an informal and fun way. Essentially to develop creativity, critical thinking, living skills and values.
1. To develop interests in STEM related subjects that may eventually lead to careers in those areas.
2. To enrich a child's view of his environment.
3. Appreciation of Nature in all its complexities.
4. To apply STEM concepts in life.
Instructor Biography
Munira studied Physics and Mathematics at Monash University, Melbourne and subsequently taught these subjects at school. She was involved in Curriculum Development and has special interests in the teaching and learning of STEM related subjects.
Subsequent developments led her to organize training in several large organizations before taking on Human Resources as her career developed.
Munira continues to be interested in introducing STEM concepts to young children, through ways that are meaningful and easily understood.
She hopes that adult readers would have the opportunity to share simple facts with children, arouse their curiosity and enjoy discovering things together.
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