This book gives an insight into the various socio-economie problems in Africa and how it has become an anchor to sustainable development to the continent, it also proposes certain solutions to the problems which I believe should pave a way towards sustainable development if applied.
The goal of this book is to serve as an enlightment tool and a reminder for Africans and other races if applicable, to serve as a tool for change and sustainable development in a pacific non-violent way through intellectual means.
Instructor Biography
Right from a young age I questioned almost everything around me and read alot to be enlightened, from then till now i was able to absorb alot of information and by observing my surroundings I felt a sense of responsibilty to use what I know or observe to think of ways to propose ideas or ways to fix problems. All these traits put me on the path I am on now I started by writing diaries, then to writing stories and poems, and I also started a blog to share my ideas and now I am able to successfully write a book. All this while I bury myself in books and the feeling of getting immersed in a book I am reading and understanding makes everything else around me vanish. In the end I consider myself and feel a sense of responsibility to a tool for change and impact lives of people in a positive way that does not involve violence or negetive means but rather intellectual means
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Jim Jeremy (Billionaire CEO)
This is such an amazing book that everyone deserves to get their hands on. It is a short read with only about 25 plus pages but very powerful and insightful.