The accompanying booklet that you have in your hands is relatively short – around forty pages at tops – but I can assure you of one thing: it is an explosive and effective summary. The techniques contained in this book are simple and very powerful from the moment you choose to methodically put them to work. They will help you in your “ReadBookEasy180©” initiative, as well as in general in your life. I have tested every one of the techniques described again and again over the course of time. They work on everybody, as they touch the human spirit and your perception of things and events. Maybe you are wondering about the reason for the “180” in “ReadBookEasy180©.” If you have the habit of saying “I don’t have enough time,” “Reading isn’t for me,” “I’m busy all day, so how could I have time to read?” and “I can’t change, that’s just how it is,” take advantage of this booklet, because about forty pages from now, you will see things in a completely different light, having made a 180-degree about turn in your mind. You will no longer have any “excuses” to keep away from the pleasure of reading a good book. Your reconnection with the pleasure of your childhood is in your immediate future! To do so, you have to take control of yourself and at your own pace, complete the simple steps described in the 7 activities, letting yourself be guided and helped along the pathway of your return to the pleasure of reading, and in a more general sense, your overall well-being. You will no longer be alone, as this accompanying booklet is here to guide you step-by-step. Be thankful to yourself, as you are already on the way to escaping from the narrow framework of your typical thoughts by reading the introduction to your accompanying booklet. We’ll talk after you have completed the 7 activities. Enjoy your experience!
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Jacqueline Joseph
Raynold Thomas
Good reading as well!