Education in Red Cross/ Red Crescent and International Humanitarian Law

Every one must read this book. The school children, teachers,, medical personnels, police, soldiers, and the the general public. To those students who take up Malaysian Red Crescent for as their co-curricular activities, a must to read and they can take MRCS HQ Examination for their co-curricular achivements to earn credit points.
To the general public, red crescent and red cross emblems are common to them. Do they know the significance of the emblems? Do they know there are rules to a war?
The book is written as simple introduction to the Red Cross/Red Crescent Movement. A Movement for humanity.
An introductory book into the subject called "Education in Red Cross/ Red Crescent and International Humanitarain Law", offered by Malaysian Red Crescent Society to members and non members can take the subject also. You will be clear about the origin of Red Cross and Red Crescent and the humanitarian work provided by Red Cross and Red Crescent the world over. After reading the book, you will know a human is entitled to basic rights and dignity.
Instructor Biography
Tee Kim Tian is a Senior Instructor of MRCS since 1991. Ex-.lecturer of teacher training institutes for many years. Ex-Committee member of MRCS Districts in Miri ,Bintulu and Stampin.
Current post is Chairman of Examination Board, MRCS Sarawak Branch.
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