This e-Book shares how anybody can turn their passion into income in just 14 easy steps! You will be guided every step of the way. It’s like having a manual and all you have to do is just follow the proven steps and you will be able to make it happen. The best thing about turning your passion into income is that you already love what you are doing. With this e-Book you will learn how to monetize it. With the technology that is available today, literally any passion can be turned into a source of income. You just need to know how. If you have a dream to work from home doing what you love, than this e-Book is for you. You can start earning money from your passion as fast as you want it to happen! It’s all up to you.
You can make money from doing what you love! It could be your interest, your hobbies and anything that you are passionate about. This is shown to you step by step. In fact you can apply it in your existing business or workplace!!! We GUARANTEE you will get RESULTS!!! Imagine if you could make extra money from your hobbies or your passion? Let’s turn your passion into MONEY!!!
Instructor Biography
The authors are the founders of Real Leaders Solutions (RLS), Amirul Iskandar & Elin Arjuna. They have more than 11 years of experience in training in the country and overseas. Amirul has a degree in electrical engineering from Queens' University of Canada, while Elin has a degree in accounting from the University of Malaya. They both worked with various organizations and companies. In addition, they also were hailed as successful entrepreneur in Sydney Australia in 2005 when they were recognized for excellence in their business. They are trainers and motivators who have trained students and entrepreneurs in Malaysia, Singapore, Australia and New Zealand. Amirul & Elin is also the founder of the largest annual undergraduate conference in Malaysia, the REAL Undergraduate Conference (RUC). Today, Amirul & Elin have trained more than 30,000 students from all walks of life! They are frequently called upon to do trainings at public and private universities, colleges and polytechnics. Their seminars and trainings have been very impactful and the feedback from participants has been very positive and powerful. Amirul & Elin lives in Kuala Lumpur with their three children.
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Rebecca Nanta
I love this book Passion2Income....although it is simple but it is to understanding and has a lot of good questions to ponder on to be success in business. Thank you very much for this book, Mr. Amirul & Ms. Elin.
Very useful and knowledgeable.
Jacqueline Joseph
It is an amazing book!
good info
saya tidak pernah terfikir untuk menjadikan hobi saya sebagai salah satu sumber pendapatan. Tetapi setelah membaca ebook ini, saya mula belajar macamana sebenarnya apa yang saya buat boleh menghasilkan pendapatan.
Amirul Danish
The 14 steps is brilliant! It gives me a reference point, something like a manual to guide me to turn what I love to do into income! Great read. Highly recommended.
Jim Jeremy (Billionaire CEO)
Very powerful and insightful boom everyone should get their hands on. Purchase it immediately.
Sheila Wong Yen Min
This book serves its purposes well as it helps one discover one's passions and guides one on how to turn that passion to income. This book also inspires whose without passions to discover their passion which in turn can be turned into income. Through reading this book, I have discovered passions within me than can be turned into income and in the process of selection the passions and compiling them into a shareable resource.
A must Have knowledge